exercise 2 smt 4

choose the bold word that indicates wrong answer.

1. Some international students use a cassette recorder to make tapes of their classes so that
they can repeat the lectures again.

2. Blood plasma it is the transportation system for all of the widely separated organs in the human

in the human body.

3. It is a good idea to be careful in buying or purchasing magazines from salespersons

who may come to your door.

4. Appointed by the General Assembly for five years, the Secretary-General of the United
Nations must act in an impartial manner toward all members.
5. Since there was not any clarity the farm workers refused to sign the new contract and voted to go on strike instead.
6. Men who lived thousands of year ago, long before alphabets were devised, they used pictures to record events and to communicate ideas.
7. If one does not pick up his dry cleaning within thirty days, the management is not obligated to return it back.
8. Mr. William he told us that he was planning to get married next June.
9. According to recent geological research, the climate of the states along the Canadian border is changing with rapidity.
10. It was Isadora Duncan who was responsible for many of the new innovations that have made modern dance different from classical ballet.
11. The South is mostly Democrat in politics, while the North has both Democrats and Republicans.
12. Translation must be done in a careful manner so that the accuracy of the original manuscripts is preserved.
13. Little House on the Prairie, now a successful television program, was adapted from a series of books by a young pioneer woman whose life was similar to that of the character called by name Laura.
14. The Southern part of the United States has ideal conditions for raising cotton because the climate is sufficiently warm enough to allow a six-month growing period.
15. World hunger it is one of the most urgent problems that we face today.

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