soal quiz 1

QUIZ 1 SMT 3 UKT tanggal 15/11/2010
Indicate if the sentence is correct or incorrect.

1. Other important crops include coffee, fruit and vegetables.
2. During the second oil crisis turned to the existential narrative.
3. The landlord has risen the rent.
4. I have lain your note book on the table by the door so that you won’t
forget it.
5. After the exam, the class starts their research on backpackers.
6. If water freezes, it has become a solid.
7. If she ate fewer sweets, she would lose weight.
8. We will wait if you want to go.
9. Blood and chocolate is a romantic werewolf novel for young adult readers.
10. Every morning the football team follows its coach running across the hill.

Read carefully the summary and then write 4 (four) conditional type 3 sentences based on the information in the summary!

Baron and Cinta were dating, but break up over a difference of opinion regarding her domineering father. Meanwhile, Claudia’s newly famous movie star husband divorce her. She returns to Tenggarong and begins to work for Baron. An attraction begins to develop between them, which they both deny. Baron is surprised when Cinta announces only weeks after their break up that she is engaged to Alex.

Indicate if the sentence is correct or incorrect.
1. Other important crops include coffee, fruit and vegetables. true
2. During the second oil crisis turned to the existential narrative. false
3. The landlord has risen the rent. f
4. I have lain your note book on the table by the door so that you won’t forget it. f
5. After the exam, the class starts their research on backpackers. F
6. If water freezes, it has become a solid. f
7. If she ate fewer sweets, she would lose weight. t
8. We will wait if you want to go. t
9. Blood and chocolate is a romantic werewolf novel for young adult readers. T
10. Every morning the football team follows its coach running across the hill. t

Read carefully the summary and then write 4 (four) conditional sentences based on the information in the summary!
Baron and Cinta were dating, but break up over a difference of opinion regarding her domineering father. Meanwhile, wati’s newly famous movie star husband divorce her. She returns to Tenggarong and begins to work for Baron. An attraction begins to develop between them, which they both deny. Baron is surprised when Cinta announces only weeks after their break up that she is engaged to Alex.

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jawaban conditional type 3


1. I didn’t enjoy the party, so I left early.
~ If I had enjoyed the party, I would not have left early.

2. The man got an accident because he drove carelessly.
~ The man would not have got an accident, if he had not driven carelessly.
~ if the man had not driven carelessly, he would not have got an accident.

3. The huge hotel didn’t burn down because the fire brigade came immediately.
~ The huge hotel would have burned down, if the fire brigade had not come
~ if the fire brigade had not come immediately, the huge hotel would have burned

4. They came late so they missed the first train.
~ if they had not come late, they would not have missed the first train.

5. Your father understood all the problems because I spoke to him.
~ your father would not have understood all the problems, if I had not spoken to
~ if I had not spoken to your father, he would not have understood all the

6. She didn’t pass the exam because she didn’t study well.
~ she could have passed the exam, if she had studied well.
~ if she had studied well, she could have passed the exam.

7. John wake up late because he worked hard until midnight.
~ John would not have woken up late, if he had not worked hard until midnight.
~ if john had not worked hard until midnight, he would not have waken up late.

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quiz 2 grammar 2 2010

Submit your answer due to Monday, June 29, 2010 at 23.59 pm.
I. All statements below are incorrect. Correct them by omitting, inserting a word or deleting a word!
1. If you put too much water in rice when you cook, it got sticky.
2. We will wait if you wanted to go.
3. If you would go to bed earlier, you wouldn’t be so sleepy in the morning.
4. If she ate fewer sweets, she would lost weight.
5. My wedding ring made of yellow and white gold.
6. The bill has already been paid Mr. Adam
7. I have to admit that it was me who wanted to go.
8. He always helps my wife and I with our tax returns.
9. To working provides people with personal satisfaction as well as money.
10. The rent payments are divided between Doni, Gilang and Joni.

II. The text below consists 10 agreement errors. Find and correct them!
There is a lot of important thing in a lifetime. The most important thing for a young people is to get a good educations. A good education help you to get a good job later on. You needs a good job to earn enough money to live comfortably. It is not as important to have a really high-paying job as it is to be happy in your choices of occupation. Also, everyone need to settle down by having a families because it is important in order for civilization to continue. However, being happy with oneself is truly the more important thing in life.
Man jadda wa jadda

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quiz 2 reading juli 2010

Jawaban dikumpul tanggal 29 june 2010 jam 23:59
Quiz 2
A few minutes ago, walking back from lunch, I started to cross the street when I heard the sound of a coin dropping. It wasn't much but, as I turned, my eyes caught the heads of several other people turning too. A woman had dropped what appeared to be a dime.
The tinkling sound of a coin dropping on pavement is an attention-getter. It can be nothing more than a penny. Whatever the coin is, no one ignores the sound of it. It got me thinking about sounds again.
We are besieged by so many sounds that attract the most attention. People in New York City seldom turn to look when a fire engine, a police car or an ambulance comes screaming along the street.
When I'm in New York, I'm a New Yorker. I don't turn either. Like the natives. I hardly hear a siren there.
At home in my little town in Connecticut, it's different. The distant wail of a police car, an emergency vehicle or a fire siren brings me to my feet if I'm seated and brings me to the window if I'm in bed.
It's the quietest sounds that have most effect on us, not the loudest. In the middle of the night, I can hear a dripping tap a hundred yards away through three closed doors. I've been hearing little creaking noises and sounds which my imagination turns into footsteps in the middle of the night for twenty-five years in our house. How come I never hear those sounds in the daytime?
I'm quite clear in my mind what the good sounds are and what the bad sounds are.
I've turned against whistling, for instance. I used to think of it as the mark of a happy worker but lately I've been associating the whistler with a nervous person making compulsive noises.
The tapping, tapping, tapping of my typewriter as the keys hit the paper is a lovely sound to me. I often like the sound of what I write better than the looks of it.
Choose the best answer!
1. The sound of a coin dropping makes people ...
A. think of money.
B. look at each other.
C. pay attention to it.
D. stop crossing the street.
2. People in New York ...
A. don't care about emergencies.
B. are used to sirens.
C. are attracted by sounds.
D. don't hear loud noises

3. The writer ...
A. sleeps next to the window.
B. has lived in Connecticut for a long tim.
C. believes in ghosts.
D. is interested in fire engines.

4. How does the author relate to sounds at night?
A. He imagines sounds that do not exist.
B. He exaggerates quiet sounds.
C. He thinks taps should be turned off.
D. He believes it's rather quiet at night.
5. He dislikes whistling because ...
A. he is tired of it.
B. he used to be happier.
C. it reminds him of tense people.
D. he doesn't like workers.
6. What kind of sound does he find pleasant?
A. tinkling sound of a coin dropping
B. clinking sound of keys
C. tapping of his typewriter
D. creaking sounds
7. How does the writer feel about sounds in general?
A. They make him feel at home.
B. He thinks they should be ignored.
C. He believes they are part of our lives.
D. He prefers silence to loud noises.

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Grammar 2
kumpulkan pada tanggal 11 Juni 2010 jam 9 a.m

A. These sentences contains 10 agreement errors . Find them and correct them.
Clothes can tell a lot about a person, but we can’t judge a person by the clothes they wears. In my country, a lot of peoples judges a person by what name brand of clothes they wears. A lot of times, peoples talks about what clothes their friends wears or says some peoples wears inappropriate clothes to high school.

B. These sentences contains 10 agreement errors. Find them and correct them.
Dreams-these interesting topic have been on people’s minds for a long time. Everybody have the ability to dream in one way or another. Some peoples even says that dreaming is a sign that we are sleeping the perfect sleep. Throughout time, it have always been a top priorities to figure out the nature of dreams. Although our knowledge of dreams are still in a primitive stage, we have already managed to divide them into category. The majority of people will agree that nightmares, daydreams and visions are the most common types of dream.

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Tugas 2 semester 2 tahun 2010

Rubahlah kalimat aktif di bawah ini menjadi kalimat pasif! Jawaban dikirim ke Email paling lambat tanggal 14 Mei 2010.
1. Dina gave Lina an expensive present.
2. They laughed at the poor beggar.
3. Be careful of your health!
4. Shut the door!
5. The government expects us to raise funds.
6. It is time to read this book.
7. They say that the earth is round.
8. They elected her president.
9. Who helps you?
10. Do you speak English?
11. I can help him,.
12. I saw him opening the box.

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Jawaban paling lambat Rabu tanggal 21 April 2010 jam 10 malam.
Tugas pertama ini berbobot 5 poin.

Practice – Number your paper from 1 to 32. Write the correct answer for each of the following items.

1. Grandpa and Billy (build, builds) a special trap.
2. I (see, sees) Grandpa was serious and I get interested.
3. Coons (jump, jumps) at the opportunity to steal a shiny piece of metal.
4. They (carry, carries) the trap to the river.
5. Neither Grandpa nor the coons (give, gives) up on the plan.
6. He (carry, carries) out our knives, forks, and spoons.
7. Anything that was bright and shinny, he (take, takes) to his den.
8. Mama and Papa (catch, catches) me cutting out the circles of tin with the good scissors.
9. My mother’s old churn (topple, topples) over and spills the butter.
10. Everything (go, goes) in the trash pile.
11. Papa's words (perk, perks) me up just like air does a deflated inner tube.
12. Morning after morning I (feel, feels) the same old disappointment.
13. The family (sit, sits) down to breakfast.
14. Weeks (go, goes) by.
15. Mama (yell, yells) something to him about a snake.
16. Neither Little Ann nor Old Dan (see, sees) the raccoon.
17. Each (freeze, freezes) in his tracks.
18. Mama’s hot apple pie (grow, grows) cold waiting on the hunters to return.
19. Each of the men (catch, catches) three coons.
20. Billy, as well as his Papa, (feel, feels) using a shotgun is unfair in a coon hunt.
21. Neither Little Ann or Old Dan (give, gives) the raccoon a lead in the chase.
22. Standing there looking happy (was, were) Grandpa and Billy.
23. Eight pounds of cheese (is, are) heavy to carry.
24. Only one out of five boys in America (like, likes) to hunt.
25. The news of the coon hunt (spread, spreads) through the hills.
26. Fifty dollars (was, were) a lot of money for Billy to earn.
27. At the end of a long trip (come, comes) a victorious Billy.
28. Which of the following is written correctly?
a) He turn the boy pup loose.
b) I dart in and grab him by the hind leg.
c) With a pup under each arm Billy run for the house.
d) Mama and Papa yells something to him.
29. Which of the following sentences does not contain a mistake?
a) She shout, "Where did it bite you?"
b) My sisters jumps up and hug me.
c) Mama looks at me, smile, and turns to the girls.
d) Their answers surprise Mama.
30. Choose the answer that is written correctly.
a) You seems fine to me.
b) The girls bury their faces in Mama's dress.
c) Papa whack him again and it was all over.
d) Everybody smile when they realize Billy is not hurt.
31. Which of the following sentences does not contain a mistake?
a) Birch trees leans out over the river.
b) His stout legs help with leverage.
c) Coon hunting teach Billy to be patient.
d) My grandfather's store sit on top of the mountain.
32. Choose the answer that is written correctly.
a) Grandpa kid Billy.
b) Either Little Ann or Old Dan fall in the river.
c) Two years seems like a long time for a 12 year old.
d) They hears the wind in the top of the trees.
selamat mengerjakan

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